Book online

Tickets can be purchased online from Ticketsource

Please note: you are making a booking, and will not receive a physical ticket. Once you have made your booking, we’ll have the details of your booking for when you attend.

Prices: £12 / £8 concession (student, Under 16, Over 60, those with disabilities) + processing fee.

If you’re not sure how to use this page, click here.

Not sure how this works?

Pick which night you want to attend, and select the ticket type you want for that night. Then click ‘Add to Cart’ to go to the Cart screen. From the Cart screen, you can checkout, or add more tickets of the same type for the same night.

To add tickets of a different type or for a different night to your order, navigate back to this tab and continue adding items. Your cart will update, and you can checkout in the ‘Cart’ tab. Or, click ‘Continue Shopping’ from the Cart screen. The tickets you’ve chosen will remain in your Cart and you can add more here.

You can pay via Credit/Debit Card.

Please note: you are making a booking, and will not receive a physical ticket. Once you have made your booking, we’ll have the details of your booking for when you attend.