Arcadia: Meet Josh, Quietly Brilliant



Josh will be taking up the role of Gus Coverly as well as his ancestor, Augustus Coverly, in ‘Arcadia’!

Josh is no stranger to the stage, performing as many a panto villain with St. Peter’s Players, as well as well-received performances in Monstrous Productions’ ‘Going Postal’,‘Guards! Guards!’, ‘The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents’ and in Peculiar’s first production, ‘The Truth’, as Goodmountain the dwarf.

How are you like you character?

At times, I can be very nervous around new people.

How are you not like your character?

I have been told by many friends that I can talk for Britain and I don’t know when to shut up!

Do you have a favourite flower?

A rose, because I’ve probably been watching too many Disney films lately.

What about Arcadia are you looking forward to most?

Working with such an amazing cast and crew.

What challenges do you anticipate (for yourself or the team as a whole)?

The only challenge I can see personally is playing a character who doesn’t speak, as well as trying to communicate and build relationships with other characters on stage.

Other than your own do you have a favourite Character?

That’s a tough one, can’t I just say everyone?  I think it’s got to be between Bernard and Hannah, as it is so fun to watch them argue. I do have a soft spot for Valentine and Chloe as they are my stage family.

Why should people see Arcadia?

People should see Arcadia because everyone is excellent in it! It’s so different to any other show out there. It will really make you think by the end. Plus, we have a tortoise!

How will you approach the challenge of playing two different characters?

I think because they are both so vastly different in personality, it has made it really easy to create the characters on stage. Gus doesn’t talk, so it has been a fun challenge to form his relationships with other characters with body language and facial expression as the main form of communication.