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  • Arcadia: Meet Paul, Down to Earth

    It’s our final Meet the Actor – and that must mean it’s nearly Christmas! We’ve been rehearsing for twelve weeks and showcased twelve actors, who will be spending their Christmas break learning lines between bits of shiny wrapping paper. Paul, last but not least, is playing the part of Richard Noakes. He has big gardening…

  • Arcadia: Meet Josh, Quietly Brilliant

    Josh will be taking up the role of Gus Coverly as well as his ancestor, Augustus Coverly, in ‘Arcadia’! Josh is no stranger to the stage, performing as many a panto villain with St. Peter’s Players, as well as well-received performances in Monstrous Productions’ ‘Going Postal’,‘Guards! Guards!’, ‘The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents’ and…

  • Arcadia: Meet Tony, a Poetic Soul

    Tony Beard is our featured actor this week, playing the curiously naive Ezra Chater. Tony has graced the stage before in Peculiar Production’s ‘The Truth’.Beyond this, we have seen him with Monstrous Productions in various roles and performances, from ‘Witches Abroad’ to ‘Guards! Guards!’, in the Whovians and as part of Newport Operatic Society’s ‘Chess‘,…

  • Arcadia: Meet Terrance, Butler in the Know

    Our featured actor this week is lovely Terrance, playing eyes and ears of Sidley Park, the butler Jellaby, in ‘Arcadia’. With Monstrous Productions Terrance played roles such as Mr Vitoller in ‘Wyrd Sisters’, and in our August show ‘The Truth’ was the shady Lord de Worde. He also uses his talents behind the scenes with…

  • Arcadia: Meet Ellen, Regal Powerhouse

    The days are getting colder and the evenings are getting darker, so get cosy and read about Ellen, Arcadia’s powerhouse Lady Croom. Ellen directed our first Peculiar show, ‘The Truth’. Previously she has been seen on stage with Progress Theatre in Reading, before moving to Cardiff and performing in several Act One Drama Society and…

  • Arcadia: Meet Chris, Dashingly Dignified Captain

    Last night we had our first weekday rehearsal, and our first workshop. We did lots of character work and learnt a lot about Captain Brice, played excellently by Christopher Maxwell. Chris is a very talented gentleman who can be seen on both stage and screen: he was in Sketchy AF with Watchers Productions, took part…