Arcadia: Meet Ellen, Regal Powerhouse



The days are getting colder and the evenings are getting darker, so get cosy and read about Ellen, Arcadia’s powerhouse Lady Croom. Ellen directed our first Peculiar show, ‘The Truth’. Previously she has been seen on stage with Progress Theatre in Reading, before moving to Cardiff and performing in several Act One Drama Society and Monstrous Productions shows.

One of her more memorable roles with Monstrous Productions was no-nonsense Granny Weatherwax – for ‘Arcadia’ Ellen has lost a lot of the wrinkles, but none of the attitude!

How are you like your character?

I’m pretty prickly when I want to be and my Latin translation is questionable.

Do you have a favourite flower?

Daisies and daffodils. They’re smiley looking.

Do you have a favourite garden?

Anything that’s a little bit wild. I love a meadow type garden with wildflowers.

If you could travel to a different time, when and where would you go?

I quite fancy the 18th century actually. I love the dresses and I’d love to go to a ball!

What about Arcadia are you looking forward to the most?

It’s not Pratchett, something I haven’t done in a while. And much as I love Sir Terry it’ll be good to do something new.

What challenges do you anticipate (for yourself or the team as a whole)?

It’s an entirely new type of play for the company so we have to approach it very differently. People have expectations of Stoppard they maybe don’t have with Pratchett.

Why should people see Arcadia?

It’s witty, sharp and good fun.

What would make you challenge someone to a duel?

Probably their opinion of a book. If someone trashed my beloved Anne of Green Gables it’d be pistols at dawn! I’m a rubbish shot though so it’s probably better for them. Hmmm. May have to rethink that…

How does your directing experience influence your role as an actor?

I’m very conscious of what I’m doing and why I’m doing it. I also instinctively analyse the play and block it without meaning to, as I see everything played out in my head. I’ve done some of my own character work when reading through the play as well to help bring her Ladyship to life!