Members of our committee and the production team for The Truth met with Roger Bone, Cardiff Mind’s CEO, and his team to hand over a cheque for £5,218 – the proceeds from The Truth. Around half of the money came from the show itself, but the final figure was made possible by an immensely generous…
I play Sergeant Angua of the Watch in dogged pursuit of our protagonist, William de Worde and am somewhat a slight antagonist to him along with Commander Vimes.
In The Truth I play Gunilla Goodmountain, the inventor of the printing press and William De Worde’s business partner. Goodmountain is very much the voice of reason at times – which was a challenge because I am most definitely not sensible at all!
It wasn’t long before the audition process that I’d re-read the original book, and the character that really stood out to me was without a doubt The New Firm’s Mr Tulip.
I’m Lizzie, and I’m the Stage Manager (SM) for Peculiar’s first production The Truth. I’ve worked in a variety of backstage roles in numerous professional and amateur productions and have loved every moment of it.Design is my favourite role whether it is set, costume or props, I enjoy every creative challenge
Hello! I’m Caitlin and I’m playing Sacharissa Cripslock in the upcoming play The Truth.