Meet the team kneading and proving Peculiar’s next production, Arcadia, ready to rise to the stage in February 2019! I’m Vicki, Stage Manager, and I’ll be lurking backstage making sure that everything onstage runs smooth as butter.
This week meet lovely Loz, the delightful man playing charming Septimus Hodge in Arcadia. Also known as Lawrence Quilty in his more creative pursuits, Loz has astounded us with his many acting roles in the past with Act One (the Cardiff University Drama Society), Monstrous Productions, and many, many others.
I’m Alice, Prop designer. There’s a whole batch of stuff to make and I’ve got some tortoise and hare on the go at the moment. Wait, not like that.
Week three of our introductions to the beautiful people gracing the stage in February. Today it’s Matt, who will be filling the shoes of critical Bernard Nightingale.
I’m the costume designer – I’m currently cooking up all sorts of ideas about what our lovely actors are going to wear and how the costumes fit with the characters.
It’s week two of our Meet the Actor series! This week we are delighted to introduce Caitlin, who in August starred in her stage debut as Sacharissa Cripslock in our first production, ‘The Truth’. A lot of firsts, as it turns out!