Peculiar Slice

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  • Peculiar Slice: The Cherries On Top

    Meet the newly appointed Peculiar Committee who are fresh out of the oven and ready to roll! Sarah – Executive Chef Role of Chair requires a pinch of authority (or bossiness). A dollop of understanding. A good helping of organization and an awful lot of love (for my committee and the company) to bind it…

  • Peculiar Slice: Arcadia’s Stage Manager

    Meet the team kneading and proving Peculiar’s next production, Arcadia, ready to rise to the stage in February 2019! I’m Vicki, Stage Manager, and I’ll be lurking backstage making sure that everything onstage runs smooth as butter.

  • Alice, from Peculair Productions theatre company in Cardiff.

    Peculiar Slice: Arcadia’s Prop designer

    I’m Alice, Prop designer. There’s a whole batch of stuff to make and I’ve got some tortoise and hare on the go at the moment. Wait, not like that.

  • Sophie, props designer for Peculiar Production's performance of Arcadia.

    Peculiar Slice: Arcadia’s Costume Designer

    I’m the costume designer – I’m currently cooking up all sorts of ideas about what our lovely actors are going to wear and how the costumes fit with the characters.

  • Lizzie, a member of Peculiar Productions theatre company in Cardiff

    Peculiar Slice: Arcadia’s Set Designer

    I’m Lizzie, the set designer and I’ll be cooking up the scenery ready to be served to the stage this February.

  • Matt, from Cardiff's Peculiar Productions theatre company

    Peculiar Slice: Arcadia’s Bernard Nightingale

    I’m serving up Bernard Nightingale, a University Don. He’s turned up to help gather evidence to support an exciting new theory about Lord Byron that will rightfully catapult him into fame in academic circles