A collaboration between Monstrous Productions Theatre Company and Peculiar Productions, under the co-direction of Amy Curson and Ed Thomas.
On the 11 year anniversary of the production originally performed with a university drama society and 10 years on from their first independent production Monstrous Productions were back for a maybe ‘one-off’ collaboration with Peculiar Productions.
A coming of age story, where a strategic pair of socks makes a surprisingly big difference to your place in the world. With patriotism, stupidity and camaraderie; a troop of ‘little lads’ pull together to rescue the men, find themselves, their big brother’s, fiancé’s, freedom and overhaul a fossil government.
We could not be prouder to be donating £1,200 each to Shelter Cymru and Gwent Children’s Diabetes Team. We hope you enjoyed and we’ll see you again soon.
Check out the review by Better Than a Poke in the Eye.